Booking a Ride ONLY when you are Ready

(Obvious Pointers)

Gudos for all Drivers aiming to provide a safe and quick (safety first) trip.

Your next driver will be friendly and professional ones when we understand their point of view too.
This is one quick Obvious Pointer:

BEFORE you book a trip over the Private Hire Car Provider such as Go Jek, Grab, Ryde and Tada, you MUST be ready and READY means Standing at the Designated Pick Up point.

Why so?
1. By standing at the pick up point, your app will get the most accurate location (where else would be better?) to be registered for auto form filling (we do not have control as it just fill up by itself) , but still double check all addresses before pressing the BOOK button.

2. Be able to understand the traffic, weather or crowd situation; if the location may be crowded by other riders or ANY possible issues listed here, you will need to walk to a better pick up point in next building or shelter before going back to point 1 above.

3. The booked car could be just next to you! Do not let your driver wait or they may get honk or stared by other road users. A driver affected will not give you the best trip experience.

There you go, giving the driver best experience will in return give yourself a pleasant ride!

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